Meetings with non-academic representatives


DISS - NonACIt is very important to organize meetings with enterprises from the field of the automotive industry in order to promote new study programs, represent plans for ensuring knowledge and skills for students, and provide their inclusion in the process of student internship and future employment. It is also important to include public service companies in order to provide adequate information and to obtain support for the study program in the field of urban engineering


Presentation of project outcomes at Annual assembly of Automotive Claster Serbia - Belgrade, 2012

Presentation of project outcomes at BUILDING TRADE FAIR - Kragujevac, 2013

Technical visit of VGTU experts to Serbia

Visit of FAS representatives to FINK UKG

Meetings with Provincial Secretariat for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government - Opinion on signifance of Master Urban Engineering study program at UNS

 Presentation of DIAUSS results on Regional Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3) dialogue and conference


Meetings with potential companies from automotive industry and municipal/public utility companies that results with agreements for student internship:

04.02.2014. Hyndai NIS Student internship in automotive engineering study programs NIS

28.11.2013. Directorate of Urbanism Kragujevac Student internship in urban engineering study programs UKG1

15.11.2003. Parking Service Kragujevac Student internship in urban engineering study programs UKG2

15.09.2014. Regional Automotive Claster of Central Serbia Student internship in automotive engineering study programs UKG