Teaching new study programs


TeachingThe new study programs are performed after accreditation. All partner institutions have new and/or redesigned study programs amd teaching procedure after receiving accreditation.


The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Urban engineering BS program (University of Kragujevac)

The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Automotive engineering BS program (University of Kragujevac)


Call for Application of Candidates to Master Academic Study - Integral Call for all study programs- University of Kragujevac

Call for Application of Candidates to Master Academic Study - Integral Call for all study programs- Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac

The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Automotive engineering MS program (University of Kragujevac) (First call)

Call for Application of Candidates to Master Academic Study - Second Call for all study programs- Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac

The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Automotive engineering MS program (University of Kragujevac) (Second call)

The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Automotive engineering MS program (University of Kragujevac) 


The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Urban engineering MS program (University of Novi Sad)

Web page of study program Mechanisation and constructive engineering

The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Automotive engineering MS program (University of Novi Sad)


The list of enroled students in 2013/14 academic year for Automotive engineering MS program (University of Nis) 


Opinion on signifance of Master Urban Engineering study program at UNS - Provincial Secretariat for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government