LLL course on Earth Architecture



Department for architecture and urbanism of Faculty of Technical Science University of Novi Sad, under the framework of TEMPUSS DIAUSS project developed and organised The First Winter LLL course of EARTH ARCHITECTURE in Serbia (the first in the region as well). The course was delivered during December 2013. and January 2014.

The idea of this course was to familiarize participants with the advantages and disadvantages of the soil as building materials, construction techniques, diagnose of existing earth architecture and pathologies that usually occur in these houses, modern earth architecture and to teach them how to take the test soil, stabilization, and surface treatment.

There was 20 participants at the course (conservators form the Provincial, Municipal Institute for Monument Protection in Zrenjanin, urban developers and architects form Novi Sad, and several students from the department). Each of them obtained upon successful completion of the course appropriate certificate.

The report with pictures from the course can be found here.

Course Material, Promo, Flyer 1 and Flyer 2

Last Updated ( Friday, 14 March 2014 17:42 )